Genius in print: the best and most inspiring ads

Cover of Time magazine in sand

Are you looking for some inspiration for your next print campaign? You have found it. Take a look at these 11 examples of great use of print in advertising and then DIY. We are looking forward to seeing your genius print ad in next year’s Innovation Report.

The Innovation Report is written for FIPP every year by Innovation Media Consulting, a global consultancy helping publishers succeed in the digital age. The report author is John Wilpers, senior director USA of Innovation Media Consulting, and it is edited by Juan Señor, senior partner. Read our interview with John here!

« The world is exploding with people, trends and events that could cause you to question mankind’s basic intelligence, never mind our creativity. But every year in researching this chapter, we rediscover just how clever, creative, responsible, and caring those of us in the much-maligned media industry can be, » say the writers of the book.

Almost half of the off-beat “winners” this year did their work in pursuit of the betterment of the world, a first in the 11 years this chapter of FIPP’s Media Innovations book exists. Here’s a preview of the provocative, inspiring, fun, creative, mind-boggling innovations to come in this chapter:

  1.  A make-your-own sanitary pad ad
  2. A 4G speed test in print
  3. Flower seeds #1 (in a magazine page)
  4. Flower seeds #2 (in a billboard)
  5. Coca-Cola’s “audio” ads in print
  6. Soundproof posters
  7. Sand cover #1
  8. Sand cover #2
  9. A 3D colouring book
  10. The new car smell advert
  11. A customisable cook book

More inspiration? Find it here: