The Alpha Index: results of the study (Bernard Cools)

Bernard Cools

Bernard Cools and Bruno Liesse talk about their new study about the attention for advertising. They came up with the Alpha Index, which offers the market a better picture of the impact that the various media have, inspired by a study of the same name from the French agency MY Media.

In these two short videos Bernard Cools presents the main results from the Belgian study.

In the first video: reported attentiveness per medium, per media category and format and a comparison with the French results

In the second video: clutter perception, ad integration, optimized attention, relationship frequency / attention.

We have cut the presentation by Bruno Liesse and Bernard Cools into short form videos per subject. Watch the first part where Bruno explains what the Alpha Index is here.

The other subjects are:

  • How we made our survey
  • Key Learnings
  • Next steps

All short videos from The Alpha Index presentations of Bruno Liesse and Bernard Cools you can access here.

Watch Danny Devriendt discuss local media with his guests (part 1)

The other two key note speeches, divided into short form video you can find here: